Which factor determines the choice of platform designing a Cisco HyperFlex infrastructure to support computer-aided design applications?
Which factor determines the choice of platform designing a Cisco HyperFlex infrastructure to support computer-aided design applications?
When designing a Cisco HyperFlex infrastructure to support computer-aided design (CAD) applications, GPU support is a critical factor. This is because CAD applications often require substantial graphical processing capabilities to render detailed designs and perform complex computations efficiently. Ensuring the platform has adequate GPU support will significantly enhance the performance and usability of the CAD applications.
Answer is B. CAD relies on GPU. Check "vGPU profiles" section on https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/products/collateral/hyperconverged-infrastructure/hyperflex-hx-series/whitepaper-c11-740243.pdf
yes i think B correct.
HX220 and HX240 both support GPU, but HX240 has more storage
you can plug more GPU card on HX240 M5 and have more choice https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/products/collateral/hyperconverged-infrastructure/hyperflex-hx-series/hx-240c-m5-specsheet.pdf https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/products/collateral/hyperconverged-infrastructure/hyperflex-hx-series/hx-220c-m5-specsheet.pdf I agree with B ;-)
GPU Support, answer is B