You need to run a kernel debug over a longer period of time as the problem occurs only once or twice a week. Therefore, you need to add a timestamp to the kernel debug and write the output to a file. What is the correct syntax for this?
You need to run a kernel debug over a longer period of time as the problem occurs only once or twice a week. Therefore, you need to add a timestamp to the kernel debug and write the output to a file. What is the correct syntax for this?
The correct syntax for running a kernel debug with a timestamp and writing the output to a file is 'fw ctl kdebug -T -f > filename.debug'. The '-T' option adds the timestamp, '-f' specifies continuous monitoring, and '> filename.debug' directs the output to a file. This command structure is accurate following the standard documentation for kernel debugging.
Correct answer is A. CCTE documentation page 144.
Save the kernel debug output to a file. On the Security Gateway / each Cluster Member, run: fw ctl kdebug -T -f > /var/log/kernel_debug.txt