Which command shows detailed information about VPN tunnels?
Which command shows detailed information about VPN tunnels?
The command 'vpn tu tlist' provides detailed information about VPN tunnels, including their name, local and remote gateways, status, encryption level, and other parameters. This command enhances the basic 'vpn tu' command by adding more specific details about each VPN tunnel.
According to CLI R81.20 Reference Guide, page 1532, the correct one is B (vpn tu tlist). https://dl3.checkpoint.com/paid/19/196f93c20f9bbade688c9480b1f30ceb/CP_R81.20_CLI_ReferenceGuide.pdf?HashKey=1700406746_b5e12724a597db025a483e179560e2c6&xtn=.pdf
Shows information about VPN tunnels.
vpn tu tlist: This command adds the "tlist" option, which provides detailed information about each VPN tunnel, including its name, local and remote gateways, status, encryption level, and other parameters.
According to the reference below, the correct answer is B. https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/R81/WebAdminGuides/EN/CP_R81_SitetoSiteVPN_AdminGuide/Topics-VPNSG/CLI/vpn-tu-tlist.htm
CPVIEW. Software-blades . VPN.Detailed Shows detailed information about VPN tunnels vpn tu tlist Shows information about VPN tunnels. https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/R81/WebAdminGuides/EN/CP_R81_SitetoSiteVPN_AdminGuide/Topics-VPNSG/CLI/vpn-tu-tlist.htm
check the answers. it is vpn tu list not vpn tu tlist
No, the correct is vpn tu tlist
B https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/R81.20/WebAdminGuides/EN/CP_R81.20_SitetoSiteVPN_AdminGuide/Content/Topics-VPNSG/CLI/vpn-tu-list.htm?tocpath=Command%20Line%20Reference%7Cvpn%7Cvpn%20tu%7C_____2
It's B
B is Correct