When a User process or program suddenly crashes, a core dump is often used to examine the problem. Which command is used to enable the core-dumping via GAIA clish?
When a User process or program suddenly crashes, a core dump is often used to examine the problem. Which command is used to enable the core-dumping via GAIA clish?
To enable core-dumping in GAIA clish, the appropriate command is 'set core-dump enable'. This command activates the core dump feature, allowing the system to generate core dump files when a process crashes, which can then be used for debugging purposes.
Correct answer is A. CCTE documentation page 170.
Enable dumping of core files: HostName> set core-dump enable HostName> save config https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solutionid=sk92764