Rules within the Threat Prevention policy use the Malware database and network objects. Which directory is used for the Malware database?
Rules within the Threat Prevention policy use the Malware database and network objects. Which directory is used for the Malware database?
Rules within the Threat Prevention policy use the Malware database and network objects. The Malware database is located in the directory $FWDIR/conf/install_manager_tmp/ANTIMALWARE/conf/. The $FWDIR variable typically refers to the directory where the firewall software is installed, making this path align with common directory structures used in threat prevention policies.
The malware database is located in the following directory on the security management server $FWDIR/conf/install_manager_tmp/ANTIMALWARE/conf
exist this library $FWDIR/conf/install_manager_tmp/ANTIMALWARE/conf/ check Sk137753 Threat Prevention policy installation fails when using custom UserCheck pages
The answer is A
there is no right answer because this catalogs does not exist install_manager_tmp or ANTIMALWARE you can check it yourselfs by commands: find / -name install_manager_tmp or ANTIMALWARE find / -name