You have used the "set inactivity-timeout 120" command to prevent the session to be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity. However, the Web session is being disconnected after 10 minutes. Why?
You have used the "set inactivity-timeout 120" command to prevent the session to be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity. However, the Web session is being disconnected after 10 minutes. Why?
Correct Answer A
Correct Answer A
cpdcgw01> set web session-timeout Specifies the inactivity time (in minutes) after which the HTTP session will be terminated. Range: Integers between 1 and 720 inclusive. Default: "15". cpdcgw01> set inactivity-timeout Specifies inactivity timeout for shells assigned to users. Range: 720-1 Default: 10
A is correct
answer A just double checked on my LAB LABFW1> show web s session-timeout - Web configuration tool Session timeout in minutes ssl-port - Web configuration tool SSL port number ssl3-enabled - Allow using SSL3 to access the web configuration tool LABFW1> show web se LABFW1> show web session-timeout WebSessionTimeout 10
A is correct
A is the proper answer.
Why not - A?