What are the steps to configure the HTTPS Inspection Policy?
What are the steps to configure the HTTPS Inspection Policy?
To configure the HTTPS Inspection Policy, the correct steps involve navigating to Manage&Settings, then Blades, and then HTTPS Inspection, followed by Configure in SmartDashboard. This pathway allows the user to access the appropriate settings to configure the inspection policies effectively.
Wrong ! A is correct
Yup 'A' is correct. image to support "https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Ga868tIKI_Z2p1QiuH8LrAP9e8RC3wV/view"
Http inspection is the only thing that is still managed in the old smartdashboard. A IS CORRECT.
A is correct. please see the printscreen below. In the reality, you have to scroll down to see Https Inspection (last one) https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1GCEU_frCH876CH876&biw=1280&bih=711&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR0EE-rTFjS92-x9Ku7PAigfAFxxA%3A1575578856785&sa=1&ei=6GzpXcvEL9qDjLsP2M-g6A4&q=manage+and+settings+blades+&oq=manage+and+settings+blades+&gs_l=img.3..35i39l2.32626.32626..32821...0.0..0.123.366.0j3......0....1..gws-wiz-img.GRu0TSVo9SE&ved=0ahUKEwjL2MvQsJ_mAhXaAWMBHdgnCO0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=E4a3NPBxll7DnM:
its correct, A is the answer, but that printscreen doesnt show the part of the windows where you access to configure https inspection.
Go to Manage&Settings > Blades > HTTPS Inspection > Configure in SmartDashboard. To configure the HTTPS Inspection Policy in SmartDashboard, follow these steps: Go to Manage & Settings > Blades > HTTPS Inspection. Click Configure. In the HTTPS Inspection Policy window, click the Policy tab. Click Add to create a new policy rule. In the New Policy Rule window, enter the following information: Name: A name for the policy rule. Action: The action to take on traffic that matches the policy rule, such as Accept, Drop, or Log. Server Certificate: The certificate of the server that the policy rule applies to. Source: The source IP address or network range that the policy rule applies to. Destination: The destination IP address or network range that the policy rule applies to. Protocols: The protocols that the policy rule applies to. Click OK to save the policy rule.
A is correct. Please see the printscreen below https://sc1.checkpoint.com/sc/SolutionsStatics/sk120256/sk120256_User_Define_81802182331.png
it looks like a question with outdated answers and a more suitable one: Go to Manage&Settings > Blades > HTTPS Inspection > Configure in SmartDashboard In R80.40 and above: Starting from R80.40, the HTTPS Inspection policy is in SmartConsole > the Security Policies view > HTTPS Inspection. Starting from R80.40 you can create different HTTPS Inspection layers per different policy packages. When you create a new policy package, you can use the pre-defined HTTPS Inspection layer, or customize the HTTPS Inspection layer to fit your security needs. You can share an HTTPS Inspection layer across multiple policy packages. https://dl3.checkpoint.com/paid/f3/f3cbfc2f54bdd69ca8981380a25e04f9/CP_R80.40_SecurityManagement_AdminGuide.pdf?HashKey=1652800466_db520a53d727c2da69d9c7848dee2e07&xtn=.pdf looks like the same for R80.10
Corect answer A!
A is correct
A is correct