Which command(s) will turn off all vpn debug collection?
Which command(s) will turn off all vpn debug collection?
The correct command to turn off all VPN debug collection is 'vpn debug off'. This command disables all VPN debug, making it unnecessary to include additional commands like 'vpn debug ikeoff'. The other commands either include redundant parts or are incorrect for this specific need.
Answer is C page 288 CCTE Book
It think it should be A. vpn debug off > Turns off all VPN debug. vpn debug ikeoff > Turns off IKE debug. vpn debug truncoff > Stops the VPND daemon debug. https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/R80.40/WebAdminGuides/EN/CP_R80.40_SitetoSiteVPN_AdminGuide/Topics-VPNSG/CLI/vpn-debug.htm
Correct answer is C. CCTE documentation page 288.