In which of these scenarios is it ok not to use a Blue Prism work queue as part of your Blue Prism solution?
In which of these scenarios is it ok not to use a Blue Prism work queue as part of your Blue Prism solution?
A Blue Prism work queue is typically used to manage and distribute workloads across bots efficiently, ensuring that no two bots are working on the same task simultaneously. However, if the business process already interfaces with a Work List system that has the built-in capability to handle task assignment and prevent simultaneous case work by multiple users, then it is not necessary to use an additional Blue Prism work queue. The in-built capability of the Work List system fulfills the same purpose, hence making the Blue Prism work queue redundant in such scenarios.
A is correct
Probably B is correct answer - page 13 in Guide to Creating a BP Process: "All processes must use a Work Queue. Even for business processes that are a run..."
If I remember answer is B from the book BluePrism Master class but if you pay attention on wordings, it say "ok not to use work queues" so I'm that case answer should be B. I think whoever wrote this question, he or she should take the English class again
Answer should be C
Yes, I think so. C should be the correct answer.
I think it's B
Option A is the right answer. If multiple cases are not there then a queue doesn't make sense
Maybe it doesn't have sense, but in materials from BP, there is written that: "All processes must use a WQ..."
B is correct
When WL is used, no need to use WQ
B is correct