Which of the following factors typically is the most significant impediment to implementing collaborative commerce?
Which of the following factors typically is the most significant impediment to implementing collaborative commerce?
Corporate culture is typically the most significant impediment to implementing collaborative commerce. This is because changing the corporate culture to support collaboration and openness across organizational boundaries requires significant adjustments in attitudes, practices, and policies. These cultural changes are often difficult to implement and can meet with resistance from employees who are accustomed to the existing ways of doing things.
Changing the corporate culture to support collaboration and openness across organizational boundaries is often the toughest challenge
When it comes to collaborative commmerce approach, primarily businesses tends to join hands with similar ventures in market to enable sharing of resources under a mutual agreement for business growth. This fact obviously overcomes the work culture discripency between the firms, as they already knew how their venturing partner business works. Thus, the return on investment could be the hindering factor for propagation of C-commerece as we can't predict whether the end result reaps what we invest.