Question 6 of 78

Which of the following is the BEST method to developing materials for a training program on the gaps in performance?

    Correct Answer: A

    The best method for developing materials for a training program on the gaps in performance is to secure a workshop trainer. A workshop trainer can identify specific gaps in performance, offer customized training materials, and provide hands-on guidance. This approach is more likely to address the root causes of performance issues compared to simply reviewing a record of activities, setting up a one-shot case study, or allocating employees for training without a structured plan.

Question 7 of 78

In most cases, an improvement team facilitator will NOT normally:

    Correct Answer: C

    In most cases, an improvement team facilitator will not normally function as the group leader. Their primary role is to guide the team through the process, ensure participation, and help with techniques and summaries, but they do not typically lead the group. This is to maintain neutrality and focus on facilitating rather than directing.

Question 8 of 78

The ideal results of a quality training effort would NOT include which of the following?

    Correct Answer: A

    The ideal results of a quality training effort would NOT include increased cost-of-quality results. Quality training aims to reduce costs by improving processes, reducing defects, and increasing efficiency. Improved working methods, increased productivity, and reduced defects are positive outcomes, whereas increased costs would be detrimental.

Question 9 of 78

Information that is received by upper management, is often distorted. Which of the following actions is effective in countering this problem?

I. Stop killing the messenger.

II. Establishing an open door policy.

III. Practice management by walking around.

    Correct Answer: D

    To counter the problem of information distortion received by upper management, all three actions should be considered. Stopping the practice of punishing the messenger encourages honest communication (I). Establishing an open door policy fosters a culture of transparency and approachability (II). Practicing management by walking around allows managers to gather firsthand information and understand the work environment better (III). Therefore, implementing all three actions can effectively address the issue.

Question 10 of 78

Which of the following quality gurus was very critical of merit-pay and individual bonuses?

He discouraged management by objectives and the ranking of employees by performance.

    Correct Answer: B

    Dr. Deming was very critical of merit-pay and individual bonuses. He discouraged management by objectives and the ranking of employees by performance. He believed these practices undermined teamwork and collaboration, which are essential for improving quality.