Question 6 of 109

Which of the following is NOT a valid usage for Intents?

    Correct Answer: D

    Intents in Android are used to activate components such as Activities, Services, and Broadcast receivers. Intents are not used for activating or managing SQLite database connections. Database connections are typically managed using classes like SQLiteOpenHelper and ContentProvider.

Question 7 of 109

Which of the following is not a valid Android resource file name?

    Correct Answer: B

    In Android, resource file names must adhere to specific naming conventions. They must be in lowercase, cannot contain capital letters or spaces, and can only include letters, numbers, and underscores. The option 'myLayout.xml' is invalid because it contains a capital letter 'L'. Therefore, 'myLayout.xml' is not a valid Android resource file name.

Question 8 of 109

Which of these is not defined as a process state?

    Correct Answer: A

    In the context of process states, typical states include foreground, background, visible, and non-visible. Foreground processes are actively interacting with the user, background processes are running but not currently interacting with the user, and visible processes are visible to the user but not in the foreground. Non-visible processes refer to those not seen by the user. 'Non-visible' and 'visible' are more related to the visibility state rather than a direct process state terminology, making 'Non-visible' not a standard process state.

Question 9 of 109

What is the name of the folder that contains the file?

    Correct Answer: D

    The file in an Android project is automatically generated and placed in the 'gen' folder. This file is used to reference resources like strings, layouts, and drawables in the project. Therefore, the correct answer is 'gen'.

Question 10 of 109

What is a correct statement about an XML layout file?

    Correct Answer: B

    An XML layout file in Android is used to specify the user interface for an activity or a portion of an activity. It defines the layout of the views that will be displayed on the screen, including their properties and relationships. Thus, it is correct to say that it is a file used to draw the content of an Activity.