Question 6 of 46

If you are running an online ticket booking service with relatively fixed traffic, then which kind of charging mode is more suitable for you?

    Correct Answer: B

    For an online ticket booking service with relatively fixed traffic, a Prepaid charging mode is more suitable. Prepaid billing allows you to pay in advance based on your estimated usage, providing cost predictability and stability. This is ideal for services with fixed traffic where you can plan and budget your computing resources without the risk of incurring unexpected costs.

Question 7 of 46

When we talk about the 'Elastic' feature for ECS product, we are not talking about _____________.

    Correct Answer: D

    In the context of ECS (Elastic Compute Service), the term 'elastic' typically refers to resources such as computing power, storage, and networking that can dynamically scale up or down based on demand. 'Elastic Computing,' 'Elastic Storage,' and 'Elastic Network' are all recognized features of ECS that allow for this scalability. 'Elastic Administration,' however, is not a recognized feature within ECS, making it the correct answer when identifying what 'Elastic' does not refer to in this context.

Question 8 of 46

Your website has high volume of traffic and sudden spikes for a very short time. In this scenario, ______________ can manage traffic peak efficiently and maintain a consistent user experience.

    Correct Answer: A

    In a scenario where your website experiences a high volume of traffic with sudden spikes for a very short time, a Server Load Balancer can efficiently manage the traffic peaks and maintain a consistent user experience. Load balancing distributes incoming traffic across multiple backend servers, ensuring the load is balanced and any sudden spikes in traffic can be accommodated by directing requests to the available servers. This helps in maintaining the website's performance and responsiveness during unpredictable traffic surges.

Question 9 of 46

Your website has oscillating traffic peaks that are difficult to predict in advance. In this scenario, it is recommended to use SLB and __________________ together with ECS.

    Correct Answer: B

    When your website experiences oscillating traffic peaks that are difficult to predict in advance, it is recommended to use Server Load Balancer (SLB) and Auto Scaling together with Elastic Compute Service (ECS). Auto Scaling allows for dynamic adjustment of the number of ECS instances based on the current traffic load. This ensures that during high traffic periods additional instances are added to handle the load, and during low traffic periods instances are reduced to save costs. Combined with SLB, which distributes incoming traffic among the available ECS instances, this setup ensures your website remains responsive, scalable, and cost-effective.

Question 10 of 46

___________________ is a ready-to-use service that seamlessly integrates with Elastic Compute Service (ECS) to manage varying traffic levels without manual intervention.

    Correct Answer: A

    Server Load Balancer is a ready-to-use service that seamlessly integrates with Elastic Compute Service (ECS) to manage varying traffic levels without manual intervention. This service distributes incoming traffic across multiple ECS instances, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability for applications. It automatically adjusts traffic distribution based on the health and availability of backend instances, making it an essential component for handling varying traffic loads efficiently.