Certified Associate in Python Programming

Here you have the best Python Institute PCAP practice exam questions

  • You have 141 total questions to study from
  • Each page has 5 questions, making a total of 29 pages
  • You can navigate through the pages using the buttons at the bottom
  • This questions were last updated on February 13, 2025
Question 1 of 141

What will be the value of the i variable when the while e loop finishes its execution?

    Correct Answer: A


Question 2 of 141

And operator able to perform bitwise shifts is coded as (Choose two.)

    Correct Answer: C, D

    The bitwise shift operators are '<<' for left shift and '>>' for right shift. The '<<' operator shifts the bits of a number to the left, effectively multiplying the number by 2 for each shift position. The '>>' operator shifts the bits to the right, effectively dividing the number by 2 for each shift position. Both '++' and '--' are not bitwise operators; they are unary operators used for incrementing and decrementing values, respectively.

Question 3 of 141

What will the value of the i variable be when the following loop finishes its execution?

    Correct Answer: D

    In the given loop, 'range(10)' generates a sequence of numbers from 0 to 9. The variable 'i' iterates over these values. When the loop completes, the last value assigned to 'i' is 9. Thus, the value of the 'i' variable when the loop finishes its execution is 9.

Question 4 of 141

The following expression -


    Correct Answer: D


Question 5 of 141

A compiler is a program designed to (Choose two.)

    Correct Answer: B, D

    A compiler is a program designed to check the source code in order to see if it's correct and to translate the source code into machine code. Checking the source code for correctness involves syntax and semantic analysis, ensuring the code adheres to language rules and logical frameworks. Translating the source code into machine code is the primary function of a compiler, converting high-level language instructions into a form that can be executed by a computer's CPU.