Step 1: Export the model using the Export for containers (GZIP) option.
Export versioned app's package from LUIS portal
The versioned app's package is available from the Versions list page.
1. Sign on to the LUIS portal.
2. Select the app in the list.
3. Select Manage in the app's navigation bar.
4. Select Versions in the left navigation bar.
5. Select the checkbox to the left of the version name in the list.
6. Select the Export item from the contextual toolbar above the list.
7. Select Export for container (GZIP).
8. The package is downloaded from the browser.

Step 2: Select v1.1 of app1.
A trained or published app packaged as a mounted input to the container with its associated App ID.
Step 3: Run a contain and mount the model file.
Run the container, with the required input mount and billing settings.