Which ADM phase establishes the connection between the architecture organization and the implementation organization through the Architecture Contract?
Which ADM phase establishes the connection between the architecture organization and the implementation organization through the Architecture Contract?
Phase G is the phase of the Architecture Development Method (ADM) that establishes the connection between the architecture organization and the implementation organization through the Architecture Contract. This phase is crucial as it ensures that the architecture's intent and specifications are carried forward into the implementation projects aligned with the organizational goals and standards.
Approach Phase G establishes the connection between architecture and implementation organization, through the Architecture Contract. https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf8-doc/arch/chap13.html
Correct Answer 14.5 Approach It is here that all the information for successful management of the various implementation projects is brought together. Note that, in parallel with Phase G, there is the execution of an organizational-specific development process, where the actual development happens. Phase G establishes the connection between architecture and implementation organization, through the Architecture Contract.