According to TOGAF, Which of the following is the usual approach for developing the Baseline Business Architecture if no architecture or few architecture assets exist?
According to TOGAF, Which of the following is the usual approach for developing the Baseline Business Architecture if no architecture or few architecture assets exist?
When developing the Baseline Business Architecture, if no architecture or few architecture assets exist, the usual approach is to use a bottom-up method. This approach involves analyzing and developing the architecture starting from the detailed components or processes upward to the more abstract levels. This method is effective in situations where the existing architecture documentation is minimal or non-existent.
The normal approach to Target Architecture development is top-down. In the Baseline Description, however, the analysis of the current state often has to be done bottom-up, particularly where little or no existing architecture assets exist.
Bottom-up > Baseline method Top-down > Target method
Answer: A
This doesn't appear to be in 9.2