Why do Snowflake’s virtual warehouses have scaling policies?
Why do Snowflake’s virtual warehouses have scaling policies?
Snowflake’s virtual warehouses have scaling policies to help control the credits consumed by a multi-cluster warehouse running in auto-scale mode. This ensures efficient resource utilization and cost management by determining when to start or shut down clusters based on the workload requirements.
To help control the credits consumed by a multi-cluster warehouse running in Auto-scale mode, Snowflake provides scaling policies, which are used to determine when to start or shut down a cluster. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/warehouses-multicluster.html#label-mcw-scaling-policies
C is correct answer https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/warehouses-multicluster.html#:~:text=To%20help%20control%20the%20credits,running%20in%20Auto%2Dscale%20mode.