What effect does WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = TRUE have when running an ALTER WAREHOUSE command and changing the warehouse size?
What effect does WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = TRUE have when running an ALTER WAREHOUSE command and changing the warehouse size?
Setting WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = TRUE when running an ALTER WAREHOUSE command means that the command does not return until the warehouse has finished changing its size. This ensures the resize operation is fully complete before the command is considered finished.
WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = FALSE | TRUE When resizing a warehouse, you can use this parameter to block the return of the ALTER WAREHOUSE command until the resize has finished provisioning all its compute resources. Blocking the return of the command when resizing to a larger warehouse serves to notify you that your compute resources have been fully provisioned and the warehouse is now ready to execute queries using all the new resources. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/sql/alter-warehouse.html
correct To block the immediate return of the ALTER WAREHOUSE command until the resize is complete, add the WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION parameter. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/sql/alter-warehouse