Which three OWASP protections are part of Prisma Cloud Web-Application and API Security (WAAS) rule? (Choose three.)
Which three OWASP protections are part of Prisma Cloud Web-Application and API Security (WAAS) rule? (Choose three.)
Prisma Cloud Web-Application and API Security (WAAS) includes protections against various web application vulnerabilities. Local file inclusion (LFI) is a common web vulnerability where an attacker can include files on a server through a web browser. SQL injection is another critical vulnerability where malicious SQL code is executed by the application. Shellshock is a vulnerability in Bash that can allow execution of arbitrary commands sent from a remote attacker. These are part of OWASP's critical security risks and are relevant protections in WAAS.
BCE https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/prisma/cloud/web-application-API-security
BCE https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/content/dam/pan/en_US/images/prisma/owasp-top-10-protection-2.png?imwidth=3840 OWASP Top-10 Coverage - Protection against most critical security risks to web applications, including injection flaws, broken authentication, broken access control, security misconfigurations, etc.