Drag and drop the code snippets from the bottom onto the blanks in the code to construct a request that configures policy-based routing.
Drag and drop the code snippets from the bottom onto the blanks in the code to construct a request that configures policy-based routing.
Answer given is correct what I see, for those who want to lab it (user question mark in the fields): "route-map": { "name": "auto", "ios-route-map:route-map-without-order-seq": { "ios-route-map: seq_no": "100", "ios-route-map: operation": "?" "ios-route-map: "?" "ios-route-map:ip": { "ios-route-map:?":("ios-route-map:address":"\"\"\"+isp2iprmt + \"\"\"") } } "ios-route-map:match": { "ios-route-map:ip":{ "ios-route-map:?":("ios-route-map: access-list": "auto"} } } } } }
given answer is correct "route-map": { "name": "auto", "ios-route-map: route-map-without-order-seq": { "ios-route-map:seq_no": "100", "ios-route-map:operation": ((( permit ))) "ios-route-map: ((( set ))) "ios-route-map:ip": "ios-route-map: ((( next hop))) : { "ios-route-map: address": "\"\"\" + isp2iprmt + \"\"\""} } }, "ios-route-map:match": { "ios-route-map:ip": { "ios-route-map : ((( address ))): { "ios-route-map: access-list": "auto"} }